monthly missions

Find a new mission each month here on! Discover new ways to help your community and world in the fight against climate change. Tag us @nationalchildrensmuseum to share what you are doing!

august missions 2024

Help fight climate change by taking on monthly missions and unleashing your superpower!

community captain

Learn more about how to sort waste correctly.

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arbor avenger

Take a walk around your neighborhood to see if there are any places where new trees can be planted.

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pollinator patrol

Birds can be pollinators too! Help keep them fed by making a bird feeder.

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water warrior

Learn more about water use restrictions in your community.

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mighty meteorologist

What do you remember about Fall weather?

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have you discovered your hero?

Help fight climate change by discovering your inner climate action hero!

community captain
arbor avenger
pollinator patrol
water warrior
mighty meterologist